Side Effects of Defective Drugs

The dangers of defective drugs can be severe and can result in death for some patients. The extent of harm varies among individuals. Drugs that cause dangerous adverse health effects may eventually be recalled by the FDA. Severe adverse reactions may be identified after a medication has been on the market for many years, with thousands or tens of thousands of patients prescribed the drug suffering life-threatening health consequences. In these cases, the manufacturer must be held accountable.

Our attorneys at McCraw Law Group are well-versed in dangerous drug litigation and have challenged pharmaceutical companies in lawsuits filed in dangerous drug cases.

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Types of Dangerous Drug Claims

Unsafe medication lawsuits typically revolve around three assertions. To successfully claim compensation for medical injuries caused by a dangerous drug, plaintiffs and their attorneys must demonstrate that one of the following applies:

  • Faulty drug design: Some pharmaceuticals are harmful due to inherent flaws due to hastened development and marketing efforts. 
  • Manufacturing errors: Production-related defects may arise due to unhygienic conditions or malfunctions in manufacturing equipment. These typically impact specific batches of the medication rather than the product.
  • Deficient marketing practices: Pharmaceutical companies must provide explicit instructions and warnings. Inadequate warnings against potential side effects are cause for legal action.

Types of Compensation in a Dangerous Drug Case

Victims of dangerous drugs are entitled to compensation that reflects the impact of their injuries. Damages in a defective drug case may include:

  • Medical expenses: This includes the cost of hospital stays, physicians, specialists, prescriptions, and all future medical care resulting from the injury.
  • Lost wages: These damages reimburse the victim when the adverse effects of a drug have made it impossible to earn a living, including compensation for the impact on the patient regarding future earning capacity.
  • Pain and suffering: This type of compensation covers all impacts on the individual, including mental anguish and the suffering associated with a damaged physical health condition.

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What Evidence Can Be Required in a Dangerous Drug Case?

Medical records

Medical records are some of the most critical evidence in a dangerous drug case. They can be a chronological account of the health of the patient before and after taking the medication. Demonstrating that the injury was caused by a drug requires a clear link between the medication and the effects experienced by the patient. Medical records can provide the data needed to establish this link.

Expert witnesses

Expert witnesses can be called upon to translate medical information into understandable terms to be presented to a jury. These experts may have a background in medicine, pharmacology, toxicology, or a related field and can be called upon as witnesses in a dangerous drug case. Doctors or other medical experts may provide testimony on the effects of a drug on the individual patient.

Why Hire an Attorney?

Facing off against law firms representing pharmaceutical companies demands top-tier litigation skills and experience. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone. A compassionate and experienced dangerous drugs lawyer in Amarillo can fight tirelessly on your behalf, guiding and supporting you at each step of the legal process.

Why Choose Us for Your Dangerous Drug Case?

At McCraw Law Group, our focus goes beyond providing legal assistance to our clients. We have compassion for our clients and the fear, stress, and pain they are experiencing. Recovery can be a long process, with ongoing personal communication and support at every step. We approach each case with the highest level of care and compassion for the client, but when dealing with the opposition, the gloves come off. We are courteous yet relentless in pursuing justice against the parties who have wronged you.

We not only fight hard against insurance companies but also fight to improve laws by appearing at the State House and taking action to protect Texans across the state.

Were you or someone you love seriously injured after taking medication? For a free case evaluation, connect with our compassionate legal team. When we take on a dangerous drug case, there are no out-of-pocket costs or legal fees until we recover compensation for you.

Amarillo Case Types

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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