Protecting Your Rights Against Dangerous Drugs

An ongoing list of drug recalls and safety alerts is published by the FDA. Examples of reasons given for recalls include microbial contamination, the presence of glass particulate matter or benzene, and unsanitary manufacturing conditions. If a dangerous drug harmed you, contact an experienced dangerous drug attorney as soon as possible. You may have a claim for compensation against the manufacturer. 


How Can Dangerous Drugs Be Sold to Consumers?

Pharmaceutical manufacturers are required to ensure their products do not pose an unreasonable risk to consumers. Sadly, big pharmaceutical companies may prioritize profits over safety and rush drugs to the marketplace before the medicine is adequately tested. They may fail to exercise quality control or fail to provide proper warning labels and instructions on the medications they produce. When dangerous, defective drugs are released on the market, unsuspecting consumers may suffer severe or fatal injuries. Every year, more than 1.6 million injuries result from prescription drug incidents, as stated by Consumer Notice

How Do Dangerous Drugs Get Past the FDA?

The FDA does not test drugs – it relies on data provided by pharmaceutical companies. New drugs are subjected to three rounds of testing on humans before being released on the market. However, these clinical trials may involve only small numbers of participants, and serious side effects may not appear until many people have taken the medication for several years. In a 2017 study, researchers found that nearly one-third of prescription drugs approved by the FDA from 2001 to 2010 were released on the market with unidentified side effects, according to Consumer Notice. More than 16 million adverse drug events have been reported to the FDA since 1968. 

What Are the Categories of Drug Recalls?

Drugs that have been released on the market may be recalled if it is determined that the risks outweigh the benefits. The most common reasons for drug recalls are contamination, mislabeling, incorrect potency, defective products, and adverse reactions. The FDA uses three classifications for drugs that are recalled:

Class I:

This is the most serious recall category, assigned to dangerous or defective drugs that could cause major health issues or death.

Class II:

Drugs that pose a “slight threat of a serious nature” or may cause health problems that are temporary or reversible are assigned to this category.

Class III:

This is the least serious category, assigned to drugs produced in violation of the FDA’s manufacturing or labeling requirements but are unlikely to adversely affect consumers’ health. 

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What Are Some Examples of Dangerous Drugs on the Market Today?

Certain prescription and over-the-counter drugs currently on the market can have serious side effects. Examples include:


Advertised under the brand name Tylenol, this drug is available over the counter and commonly used for pain relief. Acetaminophen has the potential to cause serious liver damage and is a leading cause of Poison Center calls.


Prescribed for erectile dysfunction, Viagra is the brand name for sildenafil. It can cause serious side effects that require immediate medical attention, including sudden vision loss, chest pain, fainting, sudden loss of hearing, dizziness, rash, itching or burning during urination, and worsening shortness of breath. 


These drugs are used to treat a range of psychiatric disorders, including depression, ADHD, and OCD. Common brand names include Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil, and Wellbutrin. Antidepressants have been linked to weight gain, insomnia, decreased libido, blood clots, increased risk of internal bleeding, increased risk of suicide in children and young adults, and serotonin syndrome – a brain chemical imbalance.

What Are Your Options After Dangerous Drug Injuries?

If a dangerous drug has injured you or your loved one, speak with an experienced lawyer as soon as possible. Our dangerous drug attorneys at McCraw Law Group can tell you if you have a case and what damages you may be entitled to claim. Our legal team uses skill and determination to pursue the maximum compensation to help you rebuild your life. We offer our clients compassionate advocacy and a unique process for better results in less time.


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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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