The Effects of Dangerous Drugs

Unanticipated and unwanted side effects might occur from the use of both prescription and non-prescription drugs. The injuries that result from taking these medications could be devastating and place individuals in a worse condition than before. Some of the side effects that may result from taking dangerous drugs include risks of developing:

  • Cancer
  • Bleeding and clotting issues
  • Congenital disabilities
  • Strokes and heart attacks

These side effects could be catastrophic and result in permanent impairments. Depending on the severity of the resulting side effects, individuals could be unable to return to work, need ongoing medical care, and have a decreased life expectancy. A Celina attorney experienced in dangerous drug claims could help a plaintiff receive compensation for these and other damages.

Pharmaceutical Company Liability in Celina

Under product liability law, drug manufacturers are strictly liable for dangerous drugs that they produce, market, and distribute to consumers. They have a legal duty to create medicines that are safe for patients, and when they fail to do so, they could be held responsible for any resulting injuries.

This legal duty involves properly testing drugs before putting them on the market to ensure they are safe for consumer use. They also must identify and warn consumers of any risks associated with taking the drugs. Labels and inserts that come with medications must fully explain the potential dangers to protect consumers.

Unfortunately, drug companies may not take these precautions, but instead, rush drugs through the FDA approval process without taking adequate time to conduct drug trials or testing. The FDA has a “fast track” process for drugs that are similar to products already on the market. This process may allow new medications to gain approval without undergoing the usual extensive testing and clinical trials. Under these circumstances, a dangerous drug attorney in Celina may be able to build a strong case against negligent manufacturers.


Call a Celina Dangerous Drugs Attorney for Advice

When you have suffered injuries from taking medication, a Celina dangerous drugs lawyer may be able to help you collect damages for your losses, including medical bills, lost time at work, and decreased quality of life. The effects of taking a dangerous drug could be significant. Injuries could include the development of new medical conditions that require surgical intervention and further treatment. The unanticipated side effects of a hazardous drug may derail your recovery process entirely and could potentially be permanent. Hold the negligent drug manufacturers accountable. Call an attorney today and schedule your first consultation.

Celina Case Types

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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