Reporting a Dog Attack in McKinney

There are certain areas in Collin County, where McKinney is located, where if someone is attacked by a dog, the owner of the dog is required to report that to Animal Control. Even if a community such as McKinney does not require them to file a claim, it would be a wise thing to do just to make sure there is a record. Even if you were not injured by the dog when it attacked, filing a report helps to establish a pattern of behavior which protects others. If the dog attacks someone else later, you might be the only chance they have of showing this dog has been violent towards others previously.


Common Mistakes After a Dog Bite

One common mistake people make regarding dog-bite claims is waiting to seek medical attention. Listen to your body. Any soreness or change in your body following an attack needs to be examined by your physician. When it comes to your health and safety, it is better to err on the side of caution and get checked out by an experienced medical professional as soon as possible. Another common mistake is speaking with the insurance company or the dog owner without first getting a full evaluation of the case from an attorney. An experienced dog bite injury lawyer could demand that you receive:

Victims should be sure to keep all the information they have from the attack. If they know the owner of the dog, they should bring that identifying information to their attorney. This information can be helpful to a lawyer who is filing a McKinney dog bite claim.

Investigating a Dog Bite Case

One of the first steps in a dog bite investigation is identifying the owner of the dog. A preliminary investigation usually covers the following questions:

  • The breed of dog – does the breed of the animal have aggressive propensities?
  • The owner of the dog
  • The dog’s history – has the dog attacked others?
  • If this attack happened on a rental property, who is the landlord?

The preliminary investigation can set the tone for the direction of the case. Moving without delay is often crucial to preserving the evidence. Sometimes, communities may also have “leash laws” or breed restrictions. Understanding the requirements of the community is a good starting point. The attorney can also help analyze what duties the dog owner, the property owner, or the land lord might have to protect the community from dangerous dogs under their control. An attorney will also try to find out information on the dog itself. Some options available during a preliminary investigation include contacting Animal Control for prior reports regarding that dog. Speaking with neighbors or other witnesses who have been around the dog before and can testify to prior aggressive behavior. Each investigation will be case specific which is why it is so important to find an experienced dog bite attorney to help navigate the facts of your injury. Ultimately, all dog bite cases are unique

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Contacting an Experienced Dog Bite Attorney

If you were injured by a dog bite, contact a lawyer with experience filing a McKinney dog bite claim. Having a lawyer handle your case could help you receive compensation and prevent further tragedies.

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in North Texas, please contact the team at McCraw Law Group today. We are ready to help you in a broad range of serious accident and injury legal issues, and offer multiple ways to reach us.

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