Frequent Causes of Bus Wrecks

The two leading causes of vehicle accidents are driver negligence and vehicle malfunctions. Some examples of driver negligence are speeding, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, texting and driving, and failing to stop at signs or signals. It is essential to understand that commercial drivers have a higher standard of care than other drivers due to the increased dangers associated with operating large commercial and multi-passenger vehicles on Texas roadways. While vehicle malfunctions can occur because of a defect in the vehicle, they are generally due to a lack of maintenance. External factors—weather or road conditions—can also increase the likelihood of accidents. Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 33.001clarifies that Texas is a modified comparative fault state. That means people can recover for injuries, even if their actions are found to have contributed to the accident. Under the Texas proportionate responsibility rules, a party seeking recovery for damages must be found 50% or less responsible for causing the incident. However, the court will reduce any damage award according to the injured person’s percentage of fault. If a jury or Court finds the party was 51% or more responsible, then the party is barred from recovery entirely. That is why a seasoned Garland bus accident attorney considers all parties’ actions when examining a common carrier crash claim. 

Liability for Crashes Caused by Public Buses

While some buses are privately owned, most are owned and operated by a government or public agency. Those agencies have a duty to the public to run the buses safely. That duty includes fleet maintenance, hiring safe drivers, and protecting rider safety by enforcing safety rules and providing regular safety training for all drivers. Generally, public transport does an excellent job of getting riders safely to their destinations. However, when an incident arises involving a governmental entity operating a public transport service, it can be very complicated to file a claim or lawsuit against the governmental entity due to the Texas Tort Claims Act. Under the TTCA, an injured person has a shorter time period to file a claim against a government agency than it would against a private driver. Additionally, a party seeking compensation from a governmental entity is required to send notice of the potential claim within a specified period of time to the governmental entity. The time periods for sending such notices vary by jurisdiction, with some requiring notice within 30 days and others as long as 6 months from the date of the incident. Further, the TTCA also places a cap on the amount of damages a person can recover when suing a state or local entity. For a state entity, the cap is $250,000, and for local municipalities, the cap is $100,000. A well-practiced Garland lawyer who handles bus accidents could provide further guidance about time limits or requirements during an initial consultation. 


Contact a Garland Bus Accident Attorney Today

Bus collisions frequently cause massive amounts of damage. They generally have multiple injured parties—riders, other drivers, passengers, and even pedestrians. For passengers, the lack of safety equipment—like seat belts or airbags—can increase the likelihood of injuries. Plus, the disputes can be complex since they can impact multiple vehicles. Schedule a consultation with a Garland bus accident lawyer to learn more about how to protect your right to compensation following a wreck with a common carrier vehicle.

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